
The planet we call home is threatened by an accelerating Climate and Ecological Emergency. We need to adapt quickly and adjust the way we live our lives – BUT – what changes do we need to make and which ones will make a difference? The answer to these questions can seem like a tangled web of complex information.

At Climate Concepts our mission is to untangle the web by providing simple, visual resources that will enable everyone to be a part of the conversation and empower them to act in meaningful ways which will have positive impact.

An Interview with Climate Concepts founder Heather Comina

A note from our founder

I am always looking for new ways to communicate the key messages relating to the Climate and Ecological Emergency. One approach is the use of story telling, which can be a much more effective way to explore new ideas and spark the imagination.

My first foray into the realms of story telling is a novel – Generation 8 – click on the button below to find out more…

Climate Concepts

Untangling the complexity of Climate Change; simple, visual resources for all

Climate Solutions updated

Helping you to navigate a path towards a lower carbon, more sustainable future

Regenerative Concepts

Looking at the other parts of the planetary puzzle which we need to solve in order to restore our planet for future generations

Climate Journey updated

The story of the path we are taking towards a Regenerative future

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