Journey Milestone – December 2023 Update

As we noted in the 2022 update there is a limit to how much we can measure our progress by using simple metrics such as carbon or ecological footprints. This year I have adopted a more holistic approach, looking at ways in which I have adjusted my relationship with Mother Earth in terms of how my lifestyle relates to the various ecosystem functions – energy use, waste, water, consumption of materials etc. Adjusting my journey path to look beyond sustainability and on towards a Regenerative Future.

You can read more details about the latest stage of my journey and my plans for next year in my blog post – Climate Journey a Course Correction


Carbon footprint calculations shown here represent total footprint as calculated using the CarbonIndependent Calculator

Global Footprint values quoted here are derived using the GF Calculator

The Permaculture Flower is a visual representation of the Permaculture Principles